Reports & Analysis
SA Crush & Pricing ReportThis report contains the most comprehensive information available on supply, crush and average purchase price of winegrapes for the South Australian winegrape industry.
Grape Price Indicators DashboardWine Australia has built a Grape Price Indicators dashboard that gives a clear picture of the future direction of commercial winegrape prices.
The dashboard has been developed specifically for inland growers with funding from the Commonwealth government through its Improving Market Transparency in Perishable Agricultural Goods Industries program. The dashboard is a practical, free online tool that gives a clear picture of the market conditions for commercial winegrapes, with up-to-date, relevant information in a clear and easily-understood interactive format. |
Grape profitability by SA regionWGCSA has analysed the yield and price figures in the SA Winegrape Crush Survey to determine the gross return by variety for the major varieties in the largest wine regions in SA.
Global Market AnalysisComprehensive expert analysis on supply and demand internationally and in Australia as presented at the SA Winegrape Growers’ Summit in July 2017.