Are you prepared for Labour Licensing Act to be enforced?
After much uncertainty, the South Australian Government announced on 7 June that the Labour Hire Licensing Act (the Act) will be enforced from 31 August 2019 after motions to repeal the Act failed in the Legislative Council. Consumer and Business Services announced the news and will be responsible to managing and enforcing the new labour hire requirements. Applications for licenses will open on 14 June 2019. The South Australian Wine Industry Association has put together a notice for WGCSA members outlining all of the changes and what will be required once the Act is in place. SAWIA Notice to WGCSA Members SUMMARY
The South Australian Wine Industry Association (SAWIA) took the lead arguing for sensible and practical changes to the licensing scheme since it was introduced by the former State Government. Through our advocacy SAWIA was able to obtain a number of important improvements to the Act. SAWIA supported the Marshall State Government’s repeal legislation and given the number of fundamental issues remaining with the Act, continues to advocate for the legislation to be repealed. The Act establishes a licensing scheme for providers of “labour hire services” and makes it unlawful for clients, including wineries and wine grape growers, to engage unlicensed providers of “labour hire services”. THE ACT: KEY PROVISIONS Licensing requirements: - A licence will be required where:
unlicensed provider. - A provider applying for licensing must demonstrate they are a “fit and proper person”, including compliance with 13 different laws and prior business experience. - A provider must upon application pay the $1,788 application fee (less for a natural person registering) and thereafter the $1,226 annual licensing fee (less for a natural person). - A public register of current licensees and applicants will be available online via CBS. BREACHES OF THE ACT
LABOUR HIRE BRIEFING SESSIONS To assist wine industry employers, including grape growers, in complying with the Act, SAWIA will be running briefing sessions across South Australia’s wine regions commencing 24 July 2019. Further information will be distributed later in June. FURTHER INFORMATION AND ADVICE For further information and advice, members of the Wine Grape Council of South Australia can contact SAWIA’s Business Services Manager Henrik Wallgren T: 8222 9270, E: [email protected]. Comments are closed.