Further to the Biosecurity Alert issued by Vinehealth Australia on 7 December advising that PIRSA
had declared an outbreak of Queensland fruit fly (Q-fly) in Loxton, this Alert is to update the wine industry on the conditions for movement of wine grapes grown in and transiting through the fruit fly affected area in Loxton. The fruit fly affected area is broken up into:
Map of the Loxton outbreak area: http://www.pir.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/336497/Outbreak_area_web_map.pdf Map of the Loxton suspension area: http://www.pir.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/336495/Market_access_map.pdf South Australia is the only mainland Australian state that is fruit fly free. While this outbreak does not impact the fruit fly status of the rest of the Riverland Pest Free Area or the state, it is important that the risk of spread is minimised by placing controls on produce grown in the outbreak and suspension areas, in addition to a comprehensive eradication program currently being undertaken in the fruit fly affected area. Consequently, given that wine grapes are a host for Q-fly, conditions have been placed on the movement of wine grapes grown in the outbreak and suspension areas. It is mandatory that growers, wineries and carriers comply with these conditions, as the strength of Australia’s biosecurity system and the response measures put in place in the event of an outbreak of fruit fly underpin ongoing access to lucrative export markets for our horticultural produce. There is a strong emphasis on implementing control measures during this outbreak. This is because:
The conditions that must be complied with for the movement of wine grapes grown in either the outbreak or suspension area are detailed below. These conditions will be in force until at least 11 March 2019. Any extension to the date for compliance with these conditions will be communicated to industry accordingly. PIRSA is responsible for managing the response to the outbreak, accreditation systems and ensuring compliance with conditions imposed on the movement of wine grapes grown in and transiting through the outbreak and suspension areas. Click here to download the full alert which outlines movement conditions for wine grapes grown in and transiting through the outbreak and suspension areas as advised by PIRSA. Comments are closed.